2024 DMRBIA SUMMER MARKETS - Vendor Registration Form

The DMRBIA Summer Markets are held alongside the Haney Farmers Market the last Saturday in July, August and September, from 10am to 3pm. 

Date of each market as follows:

July 27th (Pet Fest) | August 31st (Art in the Park) | September 28th (Back in School)


Rates: $25.00 Non DMRBIA Member; $20.00 Current DMRBIA Member; $10.00 Non DMRBIA Member Non-profit; $0.00 Current DMRBIA Member Non-profit 

Note: DMRBIA members have priority. Limited tent rentals available, first come first serve. 

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Contact Information

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Vendor Products/Services description, needs & fees
If accepted as a vendor you will be invoiced accordingly. * DO NOT SEND PAYMENT PRIOR TO RECEIVING AN INVOICE.

If you would like to be a vendor at the September 28th BIA Summer Market - Back in School, please make the registration selection applicable to you from the choices below:

Will you require a tent rental from the DMRBIA for this market?

If you have chosen more than one DMRBIA Summer Market, please advise how you would prefer to be invoiced. 

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Terms & Conditions - Sign off required
Please read carefully and make selection for each in order to be considered as a vendor. Note that if you are participating in more than one of the BIA Summer markets that these agreements apply to each market individually.

A $50, due on receipt, fee will be invoiced to you for either of these incidents:  

  • Failure to show (without any proper notice given, allowing organizers sufficient time to fill the spot).
  • Early breakdown without approval. At no time before the end of the event can you breakdown and leave.

Incurring charges for the above and refusing payment may affect future approval for participation in DMRBIA markets.  

Yes - agreed

Tent Rental - damage costs, as listed below, will be issued as due on receipt should any of the following be evident at the end of your tent rental:

  • $20 for non-removal of any signage and adhesives, tape, strings, rope, zap straps etc.. (not placed by the DMRBIA)


  • $40 for any new tears, rips in the canvas (not reported at the beginning of use)


  • $100 for any structural damage. Bent legs, forced set up resulting in the inability to fold the tent down and store in its case.

It is your responsibility to inspect the tent prior to use, and notify DMRBIA of any deficiencies.

Incurring charges for the above and refusing payment may affect future approval for participation in DMRBIA markets.  

Upon approval as a vendor, you will be invoiced accordingly. DO NOT PAY PRIOR TO RECEIVING AN INVOICE.

FULL payment must be received one month before the date of your market or by the due date specified on your invoice. Failure to pay a month before or by the due date, an email reminder will be sent to you prior to your location being released to another Vendor. If you do not respond within 24 hours, your registration will be null & void.

Payment can be made by cash, cheques (made out to the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association or DMRBIA) or by email money transfer (executivedirector@downtownmapleridge.ca).

All cheques dishonored by bank are subject to a $25.00 NSF charge.

CANCELLATION OF YOUR SPOT – To have your full fee(s) refunded you MUST give the DMRBIA at least 1 months’ notice. 29 days or less, will be on a basis of IF we can re-allocate your location. We will do everything in our power to re-allocate your location. In the event we are successful, your full fee will be refunded.

No refunds will be issued because of less than perfect weather conditions.

Yes - Agreed

The DMRBIA Summer Markets are held alongside the Farmer's Market. The DMRBIA markets will take place on South Park in Memorial Peace Park. Beside the Farmer's Market along 224th. 

You are required to check in with the DMRBIA booth prior to unloading to your location. - No changes to the site plan will be considered on the day of the market.

Set up time & move in schedule will be sent to you 1 week prior to the market date. Please consider making arrangements with transportation, as parking will be limited.

You will be allotted a 10'x10' area. If you need an additional space you will need to register & pay for 2 spots. The $50 cancellation fee is also applicable with cancelling a 2nd spot ($100). Vendor is responsible for giving the DMRBIA ample notice to re-allocate the location.

Incurring charges for the above and refusing payment may affect future approval for participation in DMRBIA markets

Yes - Agreed

Vendors are required to supply their own tables, chairs, tent, & business signage. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to supply table rentals to Vendors, and have limited tent rentals available. If utilizing a tent, tent weights of 20lbs or more PER LEG will be required. This is MANDATORY by the City of Maple Ridge and will strictly be enforced. Please visit the City of Maple Ridge website and review the details on appropriate & inappropriate tent weights.


Yes - Agreed

The DMRBIA Summer markets will coincide with the Fraser North Farmers Market (Haney Farmers Market) which is located in Memorial Peace Park. The DMRBIA is not responsible for any duplications / similarities that may occur between the DMRBIA market & the Fraser North Farmers Market

Yes - Agreed

Vendors are prohibited from selling items from more than 1 direct sales company (e.g. Avon, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, etc.). For instance, a vendor cannot have a booth with both Tupperware and Avon products.

The vendor will sell only items listed on application form, to avoid duplication. As a courtesy to other Vendors at the Market, we have chosen to only allow 1 Vendor to carry products from one direct sales company. If you are selling anything other than what you have declared on this registration without prior written consent from the DMRBIA, you will be asked to remove said items from your location, failure to do so will result in being removed from the market, and future applications to all DMRBIA markets be denied.

Yes - Agreed

Any vendor selling prepared food/beverage at the market must file paperwork with the Fraser Health Inspector Brian at (604) 476-7060 at least 14 days before the Market. A copy of this paperwork must also be submitted to the DMRBIA and will be attached to your registration.

All food vendors are required to have a fire extinguisher at booth. No power will be available.

Your location will not have access to power for any reason, or water.

There will be bathroom facilities located around the park (most specifically the Leisure Centre), the DMRBIA will not be responsible to cover your booth.

Please ensure you have enough water & food to cover you for the day!

Yes - Agreed

This is a "Green Market"! Vendors are required to supply own garbage bags & disposal, pick up and take care of the garbage/recycling in your area. Please refrain from using Styrofoam and take your recyclables home with you (paper, cardboard, plastics, organics).


Yes - Agreed

The DMRBIA is not responsible for any loss or damages that may take place during this market.

DMRBIA does not guarantee the Vendor any sales and makes no financial commitments whatsoever to the Vendor.

Yes - Agreed